Recognising the Signs
Safeguarding 1 Refresher title with Sport Ireland and Sport NI logos
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Sport Ireland

Possible signs of abuse:

Signs of abuse can be physical, behavioural, or developmental. A cluster or pattern of signs is the most reliable indicator of abuse. Indicators should be noted. It is important, however, to realise that all of these indicators can occur in other situations where abuse has not been a factor.

Category Indicators

Physical Indicators Behavioural
Unexplained bruising. Unexplained behavioural changes
Repeated injury. Difficulty making friends.
Black eyes. Distrustful of adults.
Injuries to mouth. Excessive attachment to adults.
Torn or blood-stained clothes. Sudden drop in performance.
Burns or scalds. Change in attendance pattern.
Bites. Reluctance to remove clothing.
Fractures. Inappropriate sexual awareness, behaviour or language.
Inconsistent stories about injuries. Eating disorders
Marks from implements.

The above is only a sample list and is not exhaustive.

For more information on the physical indicators and possible examples of behavioural observation:

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Indicators of Abuse