Digital Test
Safeguarding 1 Refresher title with Sport Ireland and Sport NI logos
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Complete the Digital Test by correctly answering the questions below and scoring 80% or more. When you pass the test you will receive a Digital Certificate.

The NVB act and Part 5 of the Police Act requires that all individuals in specified roles are vetted before taking up their position

You should never be on your own in a car with a child

Physical contact should be to meet the child’s needs, not the adult’s.

A code of conduct is only for young people

A child is legally defined as anyone under the age of 16

You can never touch a child in any circumstances in sport.

One of the guiding principles for children and YP involved in sport is having fun in a safe environment.

Children never abuse other children

Neglect is not considered a form of abuse

The club should inform the parents who will be transporting their child and how long the journey will be.